Developments & Accomplishments
The Mission launched a clear new brand of our service to migrant workers - “Serving Migrants Anytime, Anywhere”. This included the expanding reach with Indonesian and Filipino migrant workers and a significant increase in the participation of domestic workers from Thailand, Nepal and Sri Lanka.
As part of our Happy Homes program, the MFMW launched a Colouring competition for the local children that migrant domestic workers care for.
Migrants and Elderly Care” research was distributed to members of the Legislative Council, and different Hong Kong government departments, as part of MFWM advocacy to ensure safe working conditions and rest for MDWs involved in elderly care and assistance.

The MFMW published “Pictures from the Inside” – a research on the pervasive problem of suitable accommodations for migrant domestic workers. This caught wide public attention and sparked dialogue and discussion both in HK and overseas.
MFMW celebrated more than three decades of partnership with Boase, Cohen, and Colins Solicitors and Notaries

MFMW hired a Chinese-speaking staff to strengthen our services and advocacy with the local community.
MFWM launched the “Happy Homes Hong Kong” program with 3 focuses.
“Stories of Harmony in the Households” features stories of mutual respect and care between migrant domestic workers and families they serve via the Happy Homes HK FB page.
“Employer Awareness Program” set up a dedicated hotline for employers to avail of rightful information and address their concerns in the course of employment of foreign domestic workers.
“Towards A Harmonious Christian Household” provides guideposts to families on how to translate foundational Christian beliefs into a mutually beneficial relationship between them and their domestic workers.
MFMW increased the frequency of mobile service centers in Causeway Bay and Kowloon areas and expanded further to three areas in the New Territories (Shatin, Yuen Long and Ma On Shan).
An Impact Evaluation of the work of the Mission for the past 10 years was successfully concluded including a popular version published in December. This clarified the aims of the Mission to deliver comprehensive services to migrants in distress, develop self-sustaining capacities of migrant’s organizations for mutual support and cooperation, promote harmony in households, and work for a more multicultural and inclusive Hong Kong.
MFMW became a member of WISEGIVING.
The high-profile case of abuse involving Indonesian domestic worker Erwiana Sulistyaningsih propelled MFMW to the forefront in the fight for the rights of migrant workers. MFMW’s direct involvement increased its public profile, attracting media attention, researchers, and interns.
MFMW in partnership with UNIFIL-Migrante-HK launched Tigil Na! (End Now!) Movement of Victims Against Illegal Recruitment and Trafficking. This movement called on the Philippine government to enforce their own “No Placement Fee” policy.
MOVERS Indonesia was established composed of welfare officers of partner Indonesian groups to help support our services to the Indonesian community.
In partnership with the HERFund and the HK Council of Churches, a common prayer was prepared and distributed among several churches for a Day of Prayer for Migrants on December 18, International Migrants Day.
MFMW was accepted into the Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS).
MFMW is referred to The Philanthropy Committee of the Bank of America Merrill Lynch. This fruitful partnership provides support programs and volunteers.
MFMW opens an extension walk-in center in Kowloon to make it easier for MDWs in crisis to access our services
Li Ka Shing Foundation chose MFMW as one of only two recipients of its Professional Grant award under the Love Ideas, Love HK project

The MFMW website is translated into Chinese. The Mission is now more accessible to local media work including, radio, TV appearances, and press conferences
Conscious effort to hire the first local Cantonese speaking staff bore fruit by facilitating communication between the Mission and the general public. Efforts to promote messages of multiculturalism were launched through the Multicultural Connections project.
MFMW was chosen to be part of a local fund-giving program called Loved Ideas, Love Hong Kong of the Li Ka Shing Foundation. MFMW landed top spots in the overall-ranking in the public voting. The resources allowed us to pioneer MFWM's project “Give Care to our Caregivers” where multiform care services were given for free to 14,000-15,000 MDWs.

Welfare service outreach and delivery to Macau SAR strengthened through partnership with Macau Migrants Rights Network.
MFMW joins the Alliance of Indonesian Migrant Workers to Scrap Law No. 39/2004 (of the Indonesian government) in the fight to demand for eradication of recruitment agency monopolies in the law/legislation regulating deployment and protection of Indonesian migrant workers abroad.
MFMW’s support for capacity building and training for migrant organizations supported the migrants organizations in building a movement instrumental to establishing the International Migrants Alliance, whose founding assembly was hosted in HK and supported by the MFMW.
MFMW initiated the first-ever National Consultation among migrant service providers in Hong Kong. That led to the eight participating groups forming the Coalition of Service Providers for Ethnic Minorities (CSPEM).

MOVERS (Mission volunteers) organization was launched among welfare officers of Filipino migrant partners, as an effort to empower migrant partners to provide frontline crisis response and establish a network of mutual aid.
MFMW began a focused strategy, developing welfare committees among migrant partners, building capacity leading to the development of welfare officers with our migrant partners who together with us provide basic services at the community level and improve general outreach to new arrivals.
MFMW dropped the word “Filipino” in its registered name to become Mission For Migrant Workers, to reflect how its service programs have been open for many years hence to all Asian migrants, especially the growing Indonesian community.
MFMW successfully completed a program and institutional evaluation to measure its effectiveness in implementing its programs and services and developing its support constituency.
MFMW witnessed the historic march of 12,000 migrants and supporters against the wage cut and levy proposals for Migrant Domestic Workers by the HK government
MFMW published a four-series Migrant Focus Magazine tackling Forced Labour Migration from the Philippines to different parts of the world to understand the uncertainties faced by migrant workers.
MFMW published a four-series Migrant Focus Magazine tackling Forced Labour Migration from the Philippines to different parts of the world to understand the uncertainties faced by migrant workers.
The Association of Indonesian Migrant Workers in Hong Kong (ATKI-HK) was established by Indonesian clients sheltered by Bethune House with the support and trainings by MFMW.

MFMW supported AMCB in their successful campaign and advocacy against proposals to take away maternity benefits for migrant domestic workers and the banning of driving duties
Justice for Glenda Lorio, a migrant worker who died inside the shelter run by the Philippine government, was championed by UNIFIL with support from MFMW
MFMW advocacy program gave focus to support the campaigns of grassroots migrants raising their concerns to the Philippine government. This resulted in concrete gains for Filipino migrant workers including the opening of the Philippine Consulate on Sundays, the reduction of contract processing fees and passport fees.

MFMW supported the formation of the Asian Migrants Coordinating Body (AMCB). AMCB is the first and biggest coalition of migrant worker associations and unions in Hong Kong and has successfully led campaigns to promote the rights of Asian migrants in HK.
A full-time minister joined the MFMW staff to lead pastoral care services for migrant workers.
The approach Crisis Intervention and Prevention through Migrant Empowerment (CIPME) was developed for our services. This approach based on transformative counselling works to make the migrant workers less dependent on others and assisting clients with individual transformation as well
The “Know Your Rights” booklet was published. It discussed in lay person’s language the contract of a “Foreign Domestic Helper in Hong Kong”. It is an updated version of the 1984 “Tulong-Kabayan: A Guide for Filipinos in Hongkong”
The 10th anniversary of MFMW was celebrated and an evaluation of its work after a decade was conducted
MFMW published annotated stories, The Filipina Migrants: Braving the Exile by Ms. Jo-ann Q. Maglipons.
With natural disasters hitting the homeland, Filipinos were mobilised to gather support for earthquake victims in Luzon. “Operation Saklolo” was established for any such disasters hitting the Philippines and was activated for such specific purposes.
A Children’s talent quest was sponsored by MFMW among children of migrant workers, and other Filipino residents of Hong Kong to raise funds for the Children’s Rehabilitation Center, Philippines.
Four of the MFMWs service-users were among the migrant Filipino workers who were assisted in challenging the Immigration Department in a Judicial Review against the Two-Week Rule imposed as “New Conditions of Stay for Foreign Domestic Helpers”.
The MFMW and the APMM together with Cordillera migrant group BIBAK launched the first celebration of Tribal Filipino Sunday.
MFMW supported joint activities among migrants of various nationalities. Special events on important dates such as on Labour Day (May 1st) and the Human Rights Day (December 10th) were opportune times for Asian migrant workers to come together to share their culture in many different artistic forms.
The Mission published a monthly newsletter, the Migrant Focus, distributed among the different migrant organizations

Bethune House Migrant Women’s Refuge (or Bethune House) was established by MFMW as a temporary shelter for distressed women migrants of any nationality, with ongoing cases in Hong Kong. Residents’ cases are jointly managed by the Mission and Bethune House.

The Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants (APMM) was initiated by MFMW’s effort to reach out to migrant workers outside of Hong Kong. APMM and the Mission continue to work together to further improve and expand service provision, form organizations of migrant workers, and advocate for their rights and wellbeing.
The “Operation Saklolo” reconvened, set up the “Bayanihan for Negros” when there was famine in the island of Negros. MFMW rallied migrant Filipinos and other residents of HK to come together to hold a public event to raise funds for the victims of famine.
MFMW supported the formation of the United Filipinos in Hong Kong (UNIFIL-HK), the first alliance of Filipino migrant workers in Hong Kong, in order to address the issues that Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) face. The Mission continues to assist it in its campaigns, welfare activities and advocacy.
Prior to its establishment in 1981, the National Council of Churches in the Philippines played a pivotal role in establishing the Mission for Filipino Migrant Workers, later known as the Mission For Migrant Workers.
Initially in Holy Carpenter Church in Hung Hom, MFMW was then embraced by St. John’s Cathedral in Central, opening its office there to be more accessible to Filipino migrant workers.